Responsive Front-end Development
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about me

Hi! I'm a novice front-end developer. My name is Vitaliy Duvalko. This is my portfolio web-page and i suppose you'll visit all my web-sites and read about me, my background and my education.

Short: 1.5 year as a content-manager. HTML5/CSS3, JS, Jquery, Bootrstrap, AngularJS. 24 years. Ukraine. Kharkiv.

I was born in 1992 in Khust-town of Transcarpathian region. Then, in 2009 i went to study into Ukrainian state university of railway transport (Kharkiv). I was studing stationary at building faculty and finished it's magistrature in 2014. I wasn't the best student but i liked to learn IT and Technical subjects and always had strong knowladge in these areas. After studiyng i've found out that i have a desire to work in IT. I've choosed front-end.

Scince a few monthes i had got content-manager position in company Vteplote. They had three web-sites based on Joomla-engine. Almost 1.5 year i had worked there. During that time always improved my English skills. And of course have improving my profissional skills in HTML, CSS and content-managment. But after i'd visited and finished JavaScript and Angular cources i started to interesting in commercial front-end web-developing. In october 2016 i leaved my old job and now i am in searching of trainee/junior front-end developer position in Kharkiv. Here I am.

My background

Almost all my experience is related with company Vteplote. But i tryed myself also as a QA-engeneer in 2014. Then i have a month of traineeship in Riff-Point company and understand that QA-positions don't pass for me. Hovever i got a good experience in outsource job.

Year ago i started to learn Javascript and visited IT-cources of this languge. It was very interesting for me and i not only got a good base in OOP-programming but at the same time constantly up my HTML5/CSS3 skills. Before cources i thouth that i can't do many interactive and logical stuffs on front-end without JS. But after cources i understood that i can do these stuffs both with HTML5/CSS3 and JS. For instance: this portfolio web-page made with pure HTML5/CSS3 and only slowed navigation by page use one Jquery function. Now i understand that experienced front-end engeneer know when he have to use JS and when he can do without JS-DOM manipulations. There is always choosing between web-site performance and developing performance of front-end engeneer. Pure HTML/CSS always fasted than any JS. Pure JS always fasted that any Jquery. But JS developing more comprehensive, althou Jquery more cross-browser and comprehensive than pure JS.

After courses i continued to strengthen my JS. I up my Jquery skills and learned ES6. I had developed my first Javascript Game BattleShips. Then i became acquainted with WebPack and was very happy that scince that time i can split my js-files into isolate independent modules and import/export their functions and variables.

At first i didn't understand why i need JQuery. I thought that i can do everything with JS. But my lazy won my princepes especially after i found out that Jquery is cross-browser and it can save my time because from now i don't need to reinvent the wheel for each time i have to develop complex methods. It's really powefull tool in web-developing. Especially with Jquery-UI library.

Althou i continue to learn my HTML/CSS and have a good practice with it at the work. I learned to work up DOM-events without JS with CSS pseodu-selectors. And It was wonderful because modern pure HTML5/CSS3 is powerfull tool to make even simple games.

A half year ago i had already adopt Bootstrap, Jade, Sass. Before it i have already learned npm/bower package managers. For year i worked on dual-OS Ubuntu/Windows. Everything in Ubuntu is much faster than in Windows. I prefer Ubuntu

Now I aware with thouse developing editing tools as Sublime-text, Brackets, Atom, Visual Studio.

At work i learned to make up with email-web-pages and adaptive design.

In the middle of the summer i go to the AngularJS cources. Now i can develop different complex web-components as easy. AngularJS is very usefull framework to deal with large complex logic on fron-end edge.


You can send me tasks or make orders on these Email-adresses, Skype, socials or call me by phone-number: